Sleep Meditation with Audio Book

For people living with some form of chronic pain, a lack of sleep can be debilitating in an already horrible situation, leading to anxiety and depression. So follow along with this Peaceful Meadow Meditation and get your sleep back on track.
Hello, and welcome to this exercise of guided imagery. On this occasion we will visit a beautiful, peaceful meadow. Before we begin, let’s take a moment to unwind. Make sure that you are in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take this moment to observe your body, if there is any tension, adjust your position to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.
Now, draw attention to your breathing, is it shallow? Are you breathing at a fast pace? Let’s slow our breathing to a relaxed pace. Take a deep breath in….and breathe out. One more time, breathe in… and as you breathe out, release tension from your body. Good, continue this rhythm of breathing, releasing tension from your body with each exhalation…
As you become more and more relaxed, clear your mind of all thoughts and focus on your breathing and the sound of my voice…
Now, imagine that you are outside, it is a clear, warm day and you are taking a walk… You spot a cluster of trees and walk towards it…
You walk through the trees and feel a pleasant breeze as you step in the shade, you look up and notice how the leaves rustle peacefully, in sync with the wind as the sun shines through them…
You continue walking through the trees and notice a clearing ahead. As you walk towards it, you realize that you have arrived at a beautiful meadow.
The sun is still shining, and feels enjoyable against your skin, the meadow has tall luscious green grass that sways to the soft rhythm of the wind…
This meadow is so nice that you continue walking, feeling the grass caress your fingers as you walk, you decide to rest for a moment.
You decide to pause and sit or lie down in the luscious green grass… perhaps you have a blanket that you unroll over the grass…
As you appreciate this moment, you notice your surroundings more closely. As the grass sways, it makes a subtle, peaceful whisper, you realise that there are also flowers among the grass. You observe a small ladybug, climbing a tall blade of grass… as it reaches the top it stops, and the flies into the stunning blue sky.
You look up, observing a pair of fluffy clouds lazily rolling across the blue sky…. In this same fashion, observe if any thoughts arise in you... allow these thoughts, much like the clouds, to roll by. Observe them without judgement or becoming attached… Now gently let them pass, drifting away like the clouds in the sky.
Now… return your attention to this moment in the meadow... Take a deep breath in….and breathe out... Notice the scent of the crisp, fresh, green grass…. Breath in….and breathe out…
You close your eyes and perceive the sounds of the meadow… The whisper of the grass, the chirping of songbirds somewhat in the distance… The sunlight feels good on your face…
In this space, in this moment, you feel completely relaxed… The weather is pleasing, sunny, but with a fresh breeze that caresses your skin…
Take a bit more time to enjoy this space and let yourself sink deep into the feeling of complete relaxation…
Take a deep breath in….and breathe out…
Time for bed!
Foot note: In 2020 I worked alongside three academics who helped build a CBTI sleep therapy app for me.
The three were Achilleas Pavlou who is currently a Lecturer in Psychology and Clinical Communication Skills at the University of Nicosia Medical School. Tania Karina Garcia Vite BSc Psychology, MsC Sleep Disorders. Dr Nicholas Cooper Senior Lecturer Department of Psychology University of Essex.
The sleep series is thus based on that collaboration...