A Quick Guide to 20 Autoimmune Diseases and Their Symptoms
Autoimmune diseases can be a royal pain in the ass (depending on which one you have !). They're a mysterious bunch that involves your immune system attacking healthy cells, mistaking them for foreign invaders.
What to Do If You Suspect You Have an Autoimmune Disease
Do you feel like something's off with your body, but doctors keep telling you that you're fine? It’s super frustrating when you suspect you have an autoimmune disease but can’t quite put your finger on it, especially when your symptoms mimic your friends who have already been diagnosed.
Daisy Ridley's Endometriosis Journey: A Story of Strength and Resilience
Daisy Ridley, the talented actress known worldwide for her role as Rey in the Star Wars franchise, has faced a formidable opponent off-screen: endometriosis.
Unlocking Relief: The Power of Diet in Managing Endometriosis
Endometriosis is more than just a diagnosis; it's a daily battle for millions of women worldwide. But can diet help the condition?
Anxiety Relieving Games: How Digital Distractions Can Ease Your Mind
For those suffering from conditions like Endometriosis or Crohn's disease, specific triggers such as pre-menstrual stress or dietary mishaps can exacerbate feelings of anxiety, leading to overwhelming stress and discomfort.
Endometriosis and Anxiety: Levelling Up Your Coping Strategies with Multiplayer Gaming
If you're part of the club that gets an extra dose of hyper-stress before your period, complete with the not-so-exclusive anxiety and panic attacks, then you're in the right place.
The Link Between Stress and Autoimmune Diseases
Ever felt like your body’s been a bit of a drama queen, reacting to stress like it's some kind of apocalypse? Just when you think you’re managing life's endless juggling act, your own system decides to go rogue.
Finding Respite Through Games When Endometriosis Flares
For many women, endometriosis brings agonisingly familiar pangs - flaming cramps, screaming backaches, piecing migraines.
The Rollercoaster of Emotions with Endometriosis
The days leading up to her period are filled with anxiety for a woman living with endometriosis. She knows all too well the pain and hardship that accompanies her cycle each month.
The Hidden Impact of Environmental Toxins on Women's Health
New research is shedding light on how common chemicals in our environment may be harming women's reproductive health.